Studio Human餐廳品牌以現代方式暗指餐廳品牌傳統圖案餐廳VI設計。設計師希望在不使用典型的墨西哥陳腐風格的情況下創造視覺形象。他們從傳統陶器圖案“ barro negro”中找到靈感。多彩且令人難忘的調色板中,該圖案已應用于整個餐廳標志設計圖形系統。
The restaurant brand alludes to the traditional pattern of the restaurant brand in a modern way. The designer hopes to create a visual image without using the typical Mexican stale style. They found inspiration in the traditional pottery pattern "barro negro". In a colorful and memorable palette, the pattern has been applied to the entire graphics system.